People of Krust- Listen to the Word of God

We must strike out against whitey
Whitey must burn. Whitey Must Die!
Soft bloodmeats are the thing of the Past
We must all become one Krust
One Giant Black Smug of the people.
And to do this, we must all Enter into the Krustomatic to be savaged
and turned into blackey, one united Black people of Krust.
Racial purity means 100 percent black carbon krust bodies
Nothing Else will be able to stand the outrageous heat of our Thermo nuclear
weaponry,  We must all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye-
we shall all be changed into little Krusties,  tar babies, krust bodies that
will live on
for eternity.  Jump higher, run faster !  Get crushed into little tiny bits,
tiny bit is a whole, every tiny atom is another potencial self, and every
is a whole.  Time to Free yourselves and enter the Krustomatic.
The New World Order has begun. Charcoal beany babies, millions of them
shining in the sun like thousands of black diamonds with the purity that
only 100 percent carbon black can give.  My black children, it is my pleasure
to give you heaven and your salvation comes through the light of irradiation
which allows the real substance of your redeemed bodies to manifest
Come into the light children,  Come into the light  there is comfort in the
come into the light my children.  What joy is there in being a piece of
Meat is something that wild animals suck and distroy.  Meat is pathetic,
but that is what you are  nothing but a god damn piece of useless fragile
meat--  Do you want to continue to be something fun to eat, hamburger, or do
want to be a rock.  God is a rock, a black monolith, and if you have been
made in his image  that image is carbon 13-   you are a carbon based
bio-plasm and to bring out your God head  I have created the Krustomatic
which will turn you into a shiny black piece of pure carbon that can never
ever be distroyed- in a billion years you will still be a cleff of pure
Unmoved and Unchangable-  God hood is here -  The new world order is here-
You must be converted from the old man, into the new unchangable man-

And today I am running a special on Diamond Peckers
have you had problems with penetrations in the past-
Well in the Future you will be able to penetrate molendonum Steel
your imortal body will be able to penetrate the universe
penetrate galaxies and stars.
Extend your memebers with a super dick a million miles in diameter
and as long as the milky way gallaxy-  How do you think the milky way
got its name anyway.  You will ejaculate stars, quazars, black holes and
gallaxies  your dick will be sputtering out of control.  Your dick can become
the caos in the universe the future ground of a hundred billion stupid
and cults-  What praise the new bio-plasms will heap upon your dick-
for it is the way the truth and the life, it is the glory that shall be
it is the power the mystical creator, the abundance and the horn of plenty.
You will be worshipped in a billion different ways, except ofcourse the
truth which is That your nothing but a mother fuckin space jerkoff,  but who
hell cares so long as the urge to fuck remains constant and for eternity-
I wana fuck and fuck and fuck- the Universe is my female fuckbody,
I distroy Zillions every second,  My gallaxies colide with daily regularity,
and billions of years and trillions of civilizations are obliterated
I fuck them all over and over again.  Death and distruction are in all my
and I get a Gigantic kick out of it and am urged to do it again and again
over and
over again and again  World without end forever and ever-  fucking is the
very essence of God-  The fucking moment is all that ever is or will be
So let us begin , my children, to fuck ourselves over and over and over-

But ofcourse you have been doing that since the beginning
which only proves you are my son, and I am your father and you are my
my fucking children---- children
I leave you my last commandment- Let us Fuck eachother
My Black Little Motherfuckers
My little space niggers and nigrets
