The Reverend Mario Tells It Like It Really Is


Given that Rev. Mario has been around for just about forever... And I mean literally that he's been around forever, it seemed only fitting that he set as straight, historywise. It's quite amazing the fog that historians have been operating under, isn't it?


Rev. Mario Discovers the South Pole

Wherein Rev. Mario Explains Why He Isn't More Universally Feared

Rev. Mario and Pol Pot, Together Again for the Very First Time

On His Relationship With Stalin...

Modern Technology Owes Itself Entirely to This...

Back When Midgets Were Actually Good for Something...

The Holocaust


Maybe So, But I'll Bet It Was All Jackie's Idea...


Copyright © 1997, 1998, "Rev. Dr. Mario" All Rights Reserved. And that means you can't copy it, spitboy.